Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sandostatin and GH update

It seems like I'm doing extremely well. I just had my 4th Sandostatin shot. Physically I'm finally starting to look like I did 10 years ago, I'm very excited! My GH is still staying at 1.4. I need to get my IGF-1 re-checked soon. I still have some headaches but that may be related to my hypertension. I'm trying to keep my blood pressure controlled with prescription medication, but I've read some home remedies really work. I'm hoping to try a combination of garlic and calcium, or possibly the apple cider vinegar and see if I can get off the prescription meds.

I also talked to my primary care doctor about doing the shot in office. She refused in the beginning, but I just found out her husband and partner in the practice has done the shot before. They're going to start doing them for me starting next month so I don't have to travel to San Francisco!

How is everyone else doing??

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Always suspected

You know the motivational speaker, Tony Robbins? I always thought he looked like he might have acromegaly (or take GH for body building/weight loss/performance enhancement, whatever), and he DOES! Check out his wiki page! He's been added to the acromegaly wiki page too.

I wish he would talk about it a little bit more.