Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to spend billions of dollars on public health and research?

(Note: I know we have readers from all over the world, and even though this post is targeted towards people in the United States, no matter what country you live in, you should still speak up and raise awareness of acromegaly!)

I subscribe to lots of "Action Alerts" for a several different causes, some of them health related.  Today I received an email urging me to contact my Representative and request an increase in research funding for a particular disease:
"Next week, a powerful House of Representatives’ appropriations subcommittee will decide how to spend billions of dollars on public health and research." 
Well, the be honest, everybody already knows what causes the disease that this email was about, but what we don't know is what causes acromegaly.

We should get active and make our voices heard!  We want more research funding for acromegaly!

Find your Representative here:

Then tell your Rep you want more research done on the causes, prevention, treatment, and cure of acromegaly!  Then tell your friends to do the same!  This is our government, let's make it work for us!

1 comment:

polarchip said...

This is what I wrote to my Rep, feel free to copy/paste/edit when writing to yours!

"Dear _________,

I hear there is a powerful House of Representatives’ appropriations subcommittee next week to decide how to spend billions of dollars on public health and research.

I have a rare disease called Acromegaly, which is the result of an active pituitary tumor that secretes excess growth hormone. The symptoms of this disease have degraded my body and affected every aspect of my life, but the most frustrating aspect of this disease is the fact that doctors do not know what caused the pituitary tumor to grow or how it could have been prevented.

We need more research to understand the impact of hormones in the body, how to better control them, and what causes them to become out of balance. Hormone conditions merit more investigation so that people can have better health and quality of life."