Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Patients like me?

Hi Folks!

"Do you have a life-changing condition? Learn from the real-world expereinces of other patients like you."

That's the pitch from patientslikeme.com, a website that lets you answer questions to create a health profile, then find others whith similar conditions to compare treatments, progress, etc.  Kind of like what we are already doing here, except much more organized!  Patientslikeme.com was created as a response to ALS, but it now covers several more "Disease Communities," including some rare diseases.  However, I don't see acromegaly on there, and I want to!  I have been thinking of adding some kind of acromegaly meme-style profile questionnaire so we give a quick picture of where we are at with our disease and treatment.  It would also be a great way for new people to introduce themselves.  Maybe I'll work on that....

In the mean time, I encourage all of you to click on this link to REQUEST A COMMUNITY.  According to them, they have a really good no-spam policy, and all they ask is your email address and the what you're interested in (acromegaly, duh!).

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